Caving to Cravings

Over the past several years in working with people recovering from addiction or dependency, perhaps one of the most challenging is the emotion of craving. Caving to cravings can quickly lead to relapse but can be used to help us. It is all in how you look at these moments. “What a beautiful sunset; I…

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Viewing Corona as a Teacher

What is a teacher? Is it just a person or book, or can you see in the experience regardless of how you judge the experience as good or bad? We have been through a lot in our lives, and the time of the Corona Virus has been an experience. What have you learned during this…

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What is Shamanism and what is it Today?

What is Shamanism and what is it Today Google or search YouTube for “What is Shamanism and what is it Today”. You will find all kinds of explanations about what it is and those identify them as such. That last group, avoid them, a Shaman never refers to themselves; it is a term others apply…

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Intensive: The Shamanic Path

The Shamanic Path Using Shamanism in Recovery can assists you in realizing your fullest potential. to your recovery coaching assists you in realizing your fullest potential. In my challenges, I have long used this practice to find the healing and wisdom I needed to get past liver cancer and transplant. I reinvented my life while…

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“When does it end?”

A woman I have been seeing about her use of alcohol and other drugs for about five years went to her doctor the other day for a routine checkup. It went well but exposed a hindrance to recovery that needs to change. One of the biggest challenges people in recovery face is not even their…

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Transformational Coaching: No need for a destination

Transformational Coaching Transformational coaching is a partnership through significant change by redefining the reality of one’s life through a combination of perspectives and tools to improve awareness, accountability, and reclaim personal power. While the foundational approach is the same with everyone, sessions are tailored a scientific, esoteric, or combination thereof approach to overcome obstacles and…

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