Transformational Coaching

Transformational coaching is a partnership through significant change by redefining the reality of one’s life through a combination of perspectives and tools to improve awareness, accountability, and reclaim personal power. While the foundational approach is the same with everyone, sessions are tailored a scientific, esoteric, or combination thereof approach to overcome obstacles and rebuild lives with purpose and passion.

Are you free to make your choices? Do you see the opportunities?

Could you hop on an airplane tomorrow and go for a week, a month, a year? If not, why? While that might be extreme, but who cares. The point is, can you do what you choose to do, or, better yet, if so, why not? Do you want to live life with no need for a destination? My Transformational Coaching can help you achieve these goals.

It is the why not part where relationships come into the equation.

There are several ways I can help you see the various relationships in your life. You can use these to see where your attachments may be holding you back. Not all of them are comfortable, but all of them work, and they can work for you. Just remember, it is about the journey, and there is no need for a destination.

If you are in a transition, or if you are feeling stuck. If you are already in a new place yet still feeling the pulls backward or keeping you in place, reach out.

Pride is not necessarily a good thing. Sometimes we take pride in a trophy that we won to show everyone else how good we are. However, being proud of ourselves for accomplishing anything that helps us get to what we want to be is where it is at. Remember, there is no need for a destination so long as we are moving forward.

What if every day was like your very first one?

What if, every time you step through the door, you are heading where you hoped you would be? No need for a destination, you are constantly right here, and that is because you put yourself here. A Transformational Coach helps you maintain a new lifestyle without a destination, only the journey.

But sometimes, it isn’t just about the material needs of money, possessions, or even more personal things such as family and friends. So, where do you draw the line only you can cross? Are you completely free? Can you see the opportunities that are all around?

It isn’t always easy to pinpoint why we stay put when everything looks fine outside, but we want to move on the inside.

I have seen my share of relationship issues, and you could say, from cancer to ended marriages, children, owning a successful media company, and of course, with various substances when I was younger.

When I entered coaching and later counseling, I found that the answers were not in clinical counseling because there isn’t even a need for a diagnosis or destination, but just to keep moving forward. Unfortunately, a lack of being free prevented this, so I created my own hybrid in Transformational Coaching.

If any of this resonates with you and you are either looking for a totally fresh start Transformational Coaching, please fill out the contact form or book a call on my website at

Check me out on YouTube

Get in Touch

Welcome to Wind and Raven, a place where you can embark on a journey towards a new way of thinking about yourself and your personal power. We are thrilled that you have made it here and are ready to explore the relationship between your thoughts, behaviors, choices, and personal growth. We offer a variety of services, including one-on-one sessions, group therapy, courses, and research, all of which are designed to help you achieve your goals. But first, we want to get to know you! So, tell us about yourself and let's begin this exciting journey together.

  • Hello there, It's great to hear from you! To make sure that we can connect in a way that works best for you, please let me know your preferred method of communication - whether it's via email or phone 706-438-2545. If WhatsApp (706-438--2545) is your preference, please do provide your number so we can get in touch. Also, I'd love to find a time that works well for you. When would you like me to reach out? Please do let me know your timezone or GMT so we can coordinate accordingly. You can check your GMT using this link: Looking forward to hearing from you soon and working together towards your well-being!


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