“When does it end?”

A woman I have been seeing about her use of alcohol and other drugs for about five years went to her doctor the other day for a routine checkup. It went well but exposed a hindrance to recovery that needs to change. One of the biggest challenges people in recovery face is not even their…

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Transformational Coaching: No need for a destination

Transformational Coaching Transformational coaching is a partnership through significant change by redefining the reality of one’s life through a combination of perspectives and tools to improve awareness, accountability, and reclaim personal power. While the foundational approach is the same with everyone, sessions are tailored a scientific, esoteric, or combination thereof approach to overcome obstacles and…

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Digital Notebook: Two American Nomads, The Road Goes On

The Road Goes Ever On and On Over the past few months I have been posting videos to my YouTube page about the experience of not only being a digital nomad, but of some of the places I have visited and experiences I have had along the way. Thank you that follow me on social…

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Freedom Coach: Digital Nomad

Remote Worker hits the road as Digital Nomad It is not only about what you have done or what has happened to you. Even what you feel you have accomplished. The result of these things, however, propel you in where you are now and you choose in every instant where to go next. It is…

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Facing COVID-19: Navigating Uncertainty

As of today, we find ourselves in the thick of something we never imagined—a global pandemic that has sent many of us home with nothing but time. The powers that be have told us it’s okay, that everything will be taken care of: no power or water shut-offs, some cash to keep things moving, and…

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Understanding the Foundation of Shamanic Healing

I believe that shamanism is one of the oldest spiritual traditions on earth. It is a way of connecting with the spirit or energy field of anything or anyone through specific procedures. It has been used for centuries to heal on all levels, from physical to emotional to spiritual. Let’s take a look at the…

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