As a mental health practitioner, I understand it’s relatively easy to identify the visible consequences of substance abuse, such as financial difficulties, career setbacks, and strained social and family relationships. However, when seeking effective solutions for substance-related and addictive disorders, I encourage individuals to explore the hidden aspects, the unseen elements, and the intangible factors that may be contributing to their struggles. There are various approaches to addiction and substance abuse, and each person’s journey is unique.

When examining the less obvious aspects of addiction, it’s essential to consider factors such as a lack of clear purpose or direction in life, unexplained declines in health, or an underlying sense of losing love, hope, and confidence in an increasingly complex world. Envision these issues as gaps within your being, which you may unconsciously fill with substances to temporarily alleviate the pain.

There are various ways to address these challenges. The standard approach involves a clinical evaluation, followed by recommendations that you and your counselor feel best suit your needs. You may then engage in regular individual counseling or coaching sessions, attend free peer-led support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous, SMART Recovery, Celebrate Recovery, or Darma Recovery, and undergo random drug tests if necessary. More severe cases may require inpatient rehabilitation and pharmaceutical interventions.

My experience as a peer-led group facilitator, Recovery Coach, and Certified Drug and Alcohol Counselor at Recovery Café since 2015 has shown me the effectiveness of combining clinical and spiritual approaches to substance abuse. In addition, my journey of healing from terminal liver failure led me to explore alternative healing practices, which ultimately became an essential part of my recovery process.

Integrating esoteric messages and tools into counseling sessions can provide a more holistic approach to healing. Similarly, incorporating clinical techniques into spiritual counseling can create a well-rounded and effective recovery plan. However, it’s crucial to emphasize that no single approach is universally superior; the most effective treatment is the one that works for the individual.

One alternative to clinical counseling is Shamanic Counseling for Addiction, which I offer through Wind and Raven. This form of spiritual counseling generally involves inner and outer work, employing tools such as yoga, meditation, shamanic journeys, ceremonies, plant-based psychedelics, retreats, journaling, or even engaging in new activities like gardening. These tools facilitate self-discovery and personal growth, leading to answers and healing.

In addition to utilizing these tools, it’s beneficial to have weekly meetings with a practitioner or coach who is experienced in substance abuse disorder and recovery. Conversations may cover mindfulness, purpose, passion, life path, and effective guidance on using various tools.

When searching for an alternative healer for substance use, it’s essential to review their qualifications, including training, certifications, and client testimonials. Also, consider their practice’s duration and overall approach to spiritual work. While formal qualifications are not the sole determinant of a practitioner’s effectiveness, they can indicate their experience and expertise.

Ultimately, your commitment and dedication to change is the most crucial factor in your recovery journey. Embrace the support and guidance of experienced professionals, but remember that the power to overcome addiction lies within you.

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