Remote Worker hits the road as Digital Nomad It is not only about what you have done or what has happened to you. Even what you feel you have accomplished. The result of these things, however, propel you in where you are now and you choose in every instant where to go next. It is…
Read moreUnderstanding the Foundation of Shamanic Healing
I believe that shamanism is one of the oldest spiritual traditions on earth. It is a way of connecting with the spirit or energy field of anything or anyone through specific procedures. It has been used for centuries to heal on all levels, from physical to emotional to spiritual. Let’s take a look at the…
Read moreWhat Is Truth? Exploring Perception, Belief, and Reality
What is truth? Truth can be briefly defined as the point where experience, observation, perception, and interpretation collide to form the foundation of our beliefs. However, truth is not the same for everyone. Due to diplomacy, opinion, flexibility, principles, morality, and countless other factors, truth is often subjective and open to objection. Consider a simple…
Read moreRedefining Love: What It Means to Truly Set Someone Free
“If you love someone, set them free. If they come back to you, they are yours; if they don’t, they never were.” That’s how the old saying goes, but what does it really mean? How do we actually do that? Who is letting go of what, and how? The default interpretation seems to suggest that…
Read moreThe Evolution of Trust in the Digital Age: From Connection to Disconnection
Since moving fully into the online world in the mid-90s, I have been intrigued by the nature of people’s dependency on technology. Their addiction developed almost immediately. Pretty much everyone reading this knows someone who is online, whether they like it or not. As we continue into the digital age, older words like trust, truth,…
Read moreClearing the Path to Your True Self
There is no wrong way to approach life when you see it as a manageable set of circumstances surrounding who you truly are. If you are honest with yourself and truly believe in yourself, then there is no one to debate this with—it’s just you. If you can reach that place—let’s imagine it as a…
Read moreBalancing Freedom and Love: Finding Bliss Through Inner Harmony
From medicinal marijuana to mindful masturbation, from harm reduction to being hogtied—it’s no holds barred out there today, with more options and ideas emerging all the time. But how does this apply to that? And what was that anyway? What makes the most sense? If, as is believed, the masculine heart desires freedom—seeking to create…
Read moreOwning Your Choices: Creating Your Reality and Embracing Self-Responsibility
What we do is always on us. There’s no way around it, though responsibility is often shifted to something or someone else when it comes to choosing the next step. Unless someone has somehow taken control of your physical body, the choices you make are yours alone. You lift your foot, raise your hand, and…
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