I believe that shamanism is one of the oldest spiritual traditions on earth. It is a way of connecting with the spirit or energy field of anything or anyone through specific procedures. It has been used for centuries to heal on all levels, from physical to emotional to spiritual. Let’s take a look at the foundation of shamanic healing.

Shamanism has evolved over time to become the foundation of shamanic healing. The integration of Science, Spirituality, and Mythos has helped to build upon this foundation. The belief that all healing is spiritual in nature is at the core of shamanic healing.

The roots of shamanism can be found all over the world, with key tenants found in most traditions. One of the key beliefs is that we live in a living world, and there is spirit and consciousness in everything. There is no distinction between energy and matter, and everything vibrates. Our universe is composed entirely of energy systems, and we are all interconnected in some way.

Shamanic practices can help us heal on all levels, with healing being complete and whole, encompassing the body, mind, and spirit. Shamanic healing relies on the spirit’s guidance, and traditional shamanistic healing uses natural and spiritual healing simultaneously.

As a healer, I believe that balance and harmony are essential to healing. The healer is responsible for bringing harmony and balance to the spirit, which depends on a variety of factors, including physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual factors. All of these factors are equally important.

If you’re seeking help, I offer my services to those who are willing. My approach to shamanic healing is holistic and personalized, taking into account your individual needs and circumstances. Visit my website or join my Facebook group to learn more about shamanism and how it can help you heal. Let’s work together to bring balance and harmony to your spirit.

Shamanic Healing

Welcome to the world of shamanic healing, where I offer various services to help you heal and thrive in life. As a shamanic practitioner, I aim to help you reconnect with your soul and find inner peace.

One of the services I offer is Soul Retrieval. Trauma can cause a part of your soul to flee, hide or fracture, leading to soul loss. This can manifest in various ways, such as depression, dysfunctional relationships, and a sense of separation from oneself. I can help you recover and reclaim your lost soul parts to regain your wholeness.

I also offer Extraction services. For example, shamanic cultures believe that the presence of spirit intrusions can lead to illness and disease. I can see and extract such presences, which may appear as animals, insects, or inorganic objects. This can help to free individuals, places, or things.

I also conduct various ceremonies to help you connect with the spirit world. For example, the Wild Hunt ceremony is offered for groups, online and in-person, from the last week of October to the end of November in the Celtic tradition and mid-December to the end of January for a Nordic approach. The Imbolc ceremony is offered for groups, online and in-person, in the first week of February. I also conduct Solstice and Equinox ceremonies for groups online or in person on four dates yearly. These ceremonies can help you connect with the natural world and bring balance and harmony to your life.

Finally, I offer an Introduction to Shamanic Journeying for individuals or groups, in-person or online. This service can help you learn how to journey to the spirit world and communicate with your spirit guides to gain wisdom and insight into your life.

My shamanic healing services aim to help you heal and connect with your inner self and the spirit world. I look forward to helping you on your healing journey.

Get in Touch

Welcome to Wind and Raven, a place where you can embark on a journey towards a new way of thinking about yourself and your personal power. We are thrilled that you have made it here and are ready to explore the relationship between your thoughts, behaviors, choices, and personal growth. We offer a variety of services, including one-on-one sessions, group therapy, courses, and research, all of which are designed to help you achieve your goals. But first, we want to get to know you! So, tell us about yourself and let's begin this exciting journey together.

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Steve Patterson Blog, Shamanism

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