Consciously Creating Change

Create a new path in your life by recovering yourself and consciously creating a new path. Blending different forms of behavioral health, philosophical, and traditional esoteric healing, we are able to achieve an upgraded view of reality, a clear view of where you are and where you are heading. Based upon your personal beliefs.

In six weeks, you will discover that you are at the center of everything, connected to your higher nature, and are able to identify both the positive and negative influences in your life, as well as ones that may be unpleasant.

With newfound clarity you receive with conscious creating, you discover your purpose which is based on how you wish to live your life. As you learn to navigate the path toward that which nourishes you, a new self-confidence will be born, allowing you to cultivate your personal power. Nothing rises by subtraction; therefore, identifying the thoughts, beliefs, and repetitive patterns that are not serving you well liberates you from the illusion of negativity.  

You will be given tools along the way so when the six weeks are past, you are fully present to stay aligned with your intended purpose.

You will be introduced to several methods of understanding energy in your life.

Positive energy is created by power. Personal power is drained by negative attitudes. The research on consciousness and the breakthroughs made in the past 25 years in linking the body to energy shows just how a relatively simple understanding can produce a great deal of change in how we live our lives. As well as being illustrated in our spiritual and philosophical beliefs, we can also see it illustrated in our thoughts.

All things are driven by energy, as is well known with conscious creating. It is believed by spiritual people that there is something else out there, beyond us, that we are connected to, and if not, that there is an emptiness left in its place. It is humanities’ abstract answer to the unanswered questions of “where do we come from” and “is there anybody out there.”

In seeking an enlightened perspective, one gains a greater understanding of what we consider real as well as how this manifests in your life through your choices. Even though enlightenment itself may be a place reserved for the most potent forms of spirituality or scientific research, we can still strive for an elevated perspective. The quest for the unknowable or unproven.

As you gain a broader perspective, the higher your level of enlightenment, so let me invite you to raise your consciousness around the energy of your personal reality. No matter how you look at it, you are at the center of the greatest show on earth, so perhaps it is time for a new song as well.

Anything is possible if you set your mind to it. This is true. The road leading there is often obscured by your own illusions based on outdated views of yourself and your circumstances that illuminate the traps when viewed in a more objective manner.

I would be happy to speak with you if you are in a transitional phase, seeking a new direction, or simply feeling stuck and seeking some assistance in consciously creating a new path. Schedule a free call and let’s talk about it.

Let’s examine six major components of reflecting on your life.

  •       Who are You?

What causes you to think the way you do about your life? How did you come to this conclusion? How did you learn that about the world, or did you somehow learn it on your own? Who do you serve? In considering your answer to those kinds of more critical questions, different kinds of questions are raised in order to provide you with a fresh perspective regarding where you are right now and how you arrived at this point. In this way, you learn more about yourself.

  •       Individual Reality

You manifest everything in your life according to the conditions that preceded it. Today’s view of the world differs significantly from yesterday’s, something has changed and it will not be the same tomorrow either. Creation is a continuous process. There is always an option to choose in every moment, and the reality is exactly as you perceive it. But what if we do not like the way things currently stand? It is your choice. This is the critical perspective that enables us to make the right choices when we know how to change things for the better. Right now, you can cultivate a healthy and easy mindset.

  •       Positive Power and Negative Force

Doing the same thing over and over again. That person who drives you crazy. It’s the weather. For many people, these are daily routines to some extent, and we all face similar challenges. However, it would not be a challenge in the form of a contest, but a challenge to grow. We need power, don’t we? The purpose of this process is to develop the ability to discern fundamental truths from falsehood as well as the downward tendencies that can keep us bound in a negative space. There is something bothering us, and we would like that to change. Nonetheless, it is your decision. In a sense, it is easier to see how these energies are interconnected as a model of consciousness that explains why we live as we do.

  •       Attractors and Attachment

Following on from our discussion of various approaches to understanding your own behavior, we will cover the issue of attachment to the things that are bringing you down. Most often, it is the unnoticed smaller patterns that, when addressed, eliminate the larger patterns since they are not created in the first place. Most often, this is the case with those who believe they have a substance abuse problem or have been told they do. Of course, the problem is connected to something. The problem is that in understanding causality, we find that focusing on the effect of the “problem” accomplishes nothing to prevent the smaller patterns that create that problem in the first place. As a bit of a deeper dive for some, we will examine how attachments to some of the more essential beliefs we hold are kept and how their effect on solving the stated problem is never reached when those beliefs are reviewed.

  •       Aligned Path

It is imperative that you remain true to yourself at all times. As a result of honesty, forgiveness, surrender in the acceptance of the conditions in your life as they are, and then taking reasonable steps to remain aligned with your purpose in life, you have the ability to grow. Now that is clearer if not crystal clear to you, and the best part is that you have an updated understanding of how to acquire what you need, and perhaps, as much as you have energy for attaining.

  •       I

It is now the culmination of everything which has gone before, and thus it unfolds. This is the instant, and in this instant, you are I. Besides your physical body, beyond the limitations of your intellect, you are an expression of life as a human being. By now, you know who you are, where you are, and what you can do with your personal choices. The only thing you are accountable for is what you have chosen to honor; however, you are in charge of your life, you make the choices, and you are everything you need to succeed in life. However, some may find this challenging to accept. It may cause some to feel the loneliness of not having a partner or having been attached to someone who has struggled with addiction or attachment in the past. Yet, you are no longer that person, and there is love out there, and perhaps it will be found with a more visible field. Unless we find the grounding we need to stand on a solid path of intention within our own power, we cannot influence anything with force. You will follow your aligned path, and who knows what will happen to you along the way, something always does. Good decisions lead to good outcomes.

I would be happy to speak with you if you are in a transitional phase, seeking a new direction, or simply feeling stuck and seeking some assistance in consciously creating a new path. Schedule a free call and let’s talk about it.

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