As I have done in the past, I would like to offer those who shy away from help or seeking a counselor or coach due to financial issues the opportunity to work with me for four weeks at a significantly reduced rate. This offer will not last long, but how much time are you going to ponder making a change and actually doing something to create the world you seek? You start by releasing negative attachments.

You hold the power, but perhaps it does not seem that way to you? Maybe you have everything figured out, but there is still that one nagging issue, whether it be a toxic relationship, drinking, smoking, or whatever; when will you stop quitting and start stopping?

It is not always easy, and the reasons you are where you are based on your choices, but there is always more to it than that. Unpacking “how you got here” can often lead to a never-ending search for reasons as you go backward.

What is required now is to start looking forward, with a plan based on an honest assessment of your life, and then get to work!

I could go on all day about this, as could many people when they justify why they are powerless to stop.

So, you ready? Want to start today? It could be that fast. The choice is yours.

So, here is the deal: Weekly 45-minute sessions as you begin releasing negative attachments. The four-week commitment can begin at any stage of change and encompass any form of negative attachment.

  • Alcohol and drugs: from abstinence to cutting back to getting an honest understanding of where you stand.
  • Relationships: from feelings of loss due to separation or divorce, feeling as if love is not available, and letting go of toxic relationships.
  • Trauma: dealing with serious physical illness, memories of turbulent times, or anything else you have trouble putting behind you.

The change process is relatively the same despite the differences in your personal circumstances. Generally speaking, over the four sessions we will discuss

  • Assessing your condition, discuss options, and form an action plan.
  • Risk Management, Needs/Wants, Self-Image/Confidence
  • Approaching and overcoming any obstacle.
  • Creating a new chapter in your life with purpose and action.

This coaching is based on many approaches I have either developed on my own or learned in training and certifications as a recovery coach from the National Association of Addiction Professions, the Connecticut Community for Addiction Recovery, as well as those gained in my thousands of hours working with groups and individuals as a (Former) Certified Drug and Alcohol Counsellor in Georgia. Additionally, I have worked with alternative approaches such as Shamanism and plant medicine as forms of healing for the past decade through my own saga of liver cancer and transplant.

Everyone is different, as are the reasons they choose to work with me. But I guarantee a safe space for you to be open. In addition, I can provide tools that can help you get past feelings of being stuck, powerlessness, or hopelessness by realizing your courage and power to choose.

While this program is much less expensive than the groups and individual session hourly rate of my practice, it is not cheap, nor is it free. If you are willing to invest in yourself, I will reciprocate with the most total attention I can give you. Including email support through the four weeks.

The total financial obligation is $200.00
for the four 45-minute sessions.

Click here to book your first session.



Steve Patterson Blog, Recovery

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