Various Approaches to Addiction

As a mental health practitioner, I understand it’s relatively easy to identify the visible consequences of substance abuse, such as financial difficulties, career setbacks, and strained social and family relationships. However, when seeking effective solutions for substance-related and addictive disorders, I encourage individuals to explore the hidden aspects, the unseen elements, and the intangible factors…

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The Positive of the Past

I understand that feeling stuck in a problem for a long time can be frustrating and exhausting. Therefore, it is common to question if coming up with a new approach or seeking advice from outside sources is the solution. However, it is important to acknowledge that there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, and…

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Guest on Cancer-U

Last summer, I was a guest on the podcast Cancer-U. It was a great conversation, and the host touched on several topics left undiscussed in other interviews about my book “This is How it Feels to Heal, a shamanic journey through cancer, recovery, and life challenges.”

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A November of Gratitude

11/1/2022-11/30/2022, free. I am filled with gratitude as I invite you to join me for a November of Gratitude. This is a month of thanksgiving where we take time to appreciate all the blessings we have in our lives. Every morning, I will share a daily prompt to help us cultivate a sense of gratitude…

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Are you Ok? Evaluating your life; an invitation

The last couple of years have been challenging for everyone, and as we continue living our lives in a seemingly uncertain world, it is easy to get lost. When things are not going right, perhaps something is holding you back though you wish this were not the case. Unfortunately, a lot of the time, we…

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Stigma in Addiction and Recovery

Let us speak of the veil that shrouds the truth of mental illness, for it is a challenge that many face, yet few speak of it with understanding and compassion. The stigma that surrounds it is a remnant of the old ways, where those who did not conform to society’s expectations were cast out and…

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What happened to the Shamans?

It has been over a decade since I delved deep into my Shamanic practice and began my search for answers to the question “What happened to the Shamans?” As a Shamanic Practitioner and recovery counselor, I share my journey of exploring the ancient traditions of Shamanism and discovering the truth about their disappearance in today’s…

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Online Maintain Recovery Group

Please join us for this conversation about the revival of out online recovery group, Maintain Recovery. It is a group for people in recovery. The group has met at a few places over the years, but for most of the 2010s, it was the Thursday morning gathering with Larry Walton at The Banyan Tree Center. Later,…

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Substance use treatment Athens, Ga.

Treatment for alcohol and drug addiction must be comprehensive to be effective, as Wind and Raven, in Athens, Ga., understand. Our innovative programming combines traditional treatment options with non-traditional, cutting-edge therapies to approach substance use. The following are some of these modalities: Holistic health and wellness Personalized treatment Providing dual diagnosis support Motivational Interviewing Aftercare…

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Affordable Online Counseling

Affordable Online Counseling Affordable online recovery counseling can assist people in navigating the challenges of rebuilding and maintaining a healthy lifestyle without alcohol and drugs interfering. Recovery Café and I, have you covered fully licensed.* Do you get stuck? Would you say that it is difficult for you to identify what is holding you back…

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