Covid Fever – A Societal Sickness

Increasingly, I see the short and medium-term effects of a condition I call “Covid Fever.” Like “cabin fever,” in which the prolonged state of isolation impacts some in the winter months, this new condition adds elements of fear, hopelessness, sadness, and trouble reconnecting to one’s career, social, and family networks.

Covid Fever has added drag on some people’s ability to find purpose, meaning, and even the desire to re-engage from teens to adults to elders.

The pandemic presented early on a feeling familiar to those who have ever been diagnosed with a terminal illness. That is the immediacy, or at least likely, the specter of death—a potential timestamp on remaining life. How people everywhere were sequestered to their homes in the early months, to the constant stress of being mindful of personal choices in how to navigate the maze of masks, tests, and general concern for themselves and others, was done mainly in a way to shame those who did not abide, regardless of the reasons why someone objected to the measures.

While that era is largely gone, the blame is not. Now, governments and public figures across the globe have shifted the blame for the enduring pandemic to the shoulders of the unvaccinated. What this has accomplished is to create a bad guy once again, and now that bad guy is you, or your neighbor, and that in and of itself makes it harder to try to connect with people again.

How loaded with deep-seated psychological considerations an already tricky time has become. As an aside, imagine life for the hypochondriac in today’s world.

Almost across the board, everyone I have worked with in the past year has spoken of how their children’s grades have suffered. However, they are quick to point out that their kids have lost the desire to do anything. It is not much different for the adults who are experiencing similar concerns of themselves. A common Covid Fever symptom.

The sadness and depression, irritability, anger, and difficulty focusing attention are easy to come by in such a toxic society where division is the norm, especially in the United States, where such a premium is put on freedom of voice and choice. The campaign to tame the “rugged individual.”

Regardless of how much taming has taken place, the results have been mainly more distance by pitting us against each other. That distance is applied evenly across the board, from knowing their purpose, setting goals, or even taking a vacation to try and relax.

So, what can one do?

I propose that we use that isolation we have been conditioned to accept over the last 18 months, to focus on ourselves. Ask, “Why do I feel this way about this situation?” and then listen to the answer and seek to find a way to resolve that question based on our answer. All too often, we seek to correct the effect of a problem without looking into the root of the problem in the first place.

That is a simple suggestion yet holds much potential power for anyone who strives to understand their feelings.

I talk about this in the accompanying video, and I plan to do so more over the coming weeks as I develop a framework-specific to Covid Fever in my work.

In the meantime, if you are experience feelings such as I have mentioned and would like to speak to someone, please do. I am available and am currently working with individuals on this very topic. I have a free strategy session, perhaps take advantage of that, and let’s chat. The only obligation is to yourself.

The new world is a frontier, and you are the pioneer.

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