What is a teacher? Is it just a person or book, or can you see in the experience regardless of how you judge the experience as good or bad? We have been through a lot in our lives, and the time of the Corona Virus has been an experience.

What have you learned during this time about yourself? How have you changed during this time? Have you thought about it like that or focused more on what it has done to you and others?

This is a deep and complex question, but as one who used cancer as “My Teacher,” I would like to share a way with you we can consider this present moment. Would you please set aside any notion you have of Corona and watch this video?

It comes from the heart, and I hope, as with all things I do, that it can help you in some way in navigating your path. For more on the videos and other things, I refer to this elsewhere in my blog. Unfortunately, some of the things mentioned are no longer here I am working on arranging them as they were posed over many years. Still, the messages all are continued as they persist through most of what I have shared.

About Wind and Raven – Steve Patterson

Steve Patterson Blog, Why do we believe what we believe

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