There is no wrong way to approach life when you see it as a manageable set of circumstances surrounding who you truly are. If you are honest with yourself and truly believe in yourself, then there is no one to debate this with—it’s just you.

If you can reach that place—let’s imagine it as a circle that encompasses all that is you and nothing else—you’ve found your core. The shape doesn’t matter; use whatever metaphor suits you, but the focus remains: it’s just you. From there, you can become the person you want to be—or already are—and examine those circumstances for what they are. Tend to them as needed to clear your path, keeping you aligned with the person you want to be, or already are, if you’re fully on board.

By “fully on board,” I mean believing in yourself completely.

The more you commit to this process and follow through with the choices you’ve made—or adjust them as circumstances evolve—the easier it becomes to sink back into yourself in a positive way and simply be you.

Rinse and repeat, and you have a straightforward approach to clearing out the debris between you and your authentic self, in a world shaped by your own creation.

Steve Patterson Blog, Life Coaching, Recovery, Why do we believe what we believe

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