From medicinal marijuana to mindful masturbation, from harm reduction to being hogtied—it’s no holds barred out there today, with more options and ideas emerging all the time.

But how does this apply to that? And what was that anyway? What makes the most sense?

If, as is believed, the masculine heart desires freedom—seeking to create a safe space in which to be free—while the feminine heart is all about love, craving more love, deeper love, and a safe place to love freely, then these two energies can unite to form a powerful connection.

When the energy is right, free from emotional baggage and limiting beliefs, life becomes easy. So easy, in fact, that you wouldn’t dare leave it—if you’ve ever been there in the first place.

But what if you haven’t?

What if you’ve never experienced that level of bliss—a solid, or even sacred, connection?

Even if you’ve never had it, or if you’re close but not quite there, it’s what you want deep down. Beneath the surface, below the part of you that might be saying, “No, it’s not,” there’s a yearning for ease, freedom, and love.

This is where your internal masculine and feminine energies come into play. On a higher level of consciousness, it becomes clear that balance between these energies is essential for experiencing bliss in the first place.

When you reach this point—when you create a safe space internally where you can simply be—you unlock the ability to truly enjoy life. You’ve arrived.

And that’s what we all want: the space to be who we are, freely.

This is also the point when someone says, “I’m not going to drink again,” or “That was the last time I’ll do that,” in one form or another.

But this time, it’s different. They’ve realized that the power to choose has always been theirs. They’ve found a way to release a problematic behavior and take ownership of their life.

They choose to change—and they change.

Achieving this balance is one thing; maintaining it is another. The first part may be easier, but both are worth the emotional investment.

It starts with discovering what you truly want, what you love, and who you are—not who you’re “supposed to be.”

That’s the ticket to ride. And you get to choose the destination.

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